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Table 2 Studies comparing clinical criteria to other diagnostic (Dx) tests

From: Diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia: a systematic review of the literature

First author


Dx Tests

Gold standard


Fabregas, 1999, ** [11]

Medical ICU, 25 pts

Johanson criteria, CPIS, TBA(105), PSB (103), pBAL(104), BAL(104)

Pathology + Culture

• Johanson criteria (2 items): sens = 69%, spec = 75%.

• Any Johanson criteria: Chest Rx: sens = 92%, spec = 33%; leukocytosis: sens = 77%, spec = 58%; fever: sens = 46%, spec = 42%; purulent secretions: sens = 69%, spec = 42%

• CPIS: sens = 77%, spec = 42%.

• TBA sens = 69%, spec = 92%.

• pBAL sens = 39%, spec = 100%.

• BAL sens = 77%, spec = 58%.

• PSB sens = 62%, spec = 75%.

• QtC added little to clinical diagnostic accuracy

Papazian, 1995, ** [17]

Mixed ICU, 38 pts, consecutive

BBS (104) & mini-BAL (103) & PSB (103) & BAL (104) & CPIS

Pathology + Culture

• CPIS: sens = 72%; spec = 85%

• BBS (104): sens = 83%, spec = 80%

• mini-BAL (103): sens = 67%, spec = 80%

• BAL: sens (104) = 58%, spec = 95%

• PSB: sens (103) = 42%, spec = 95%

• BBS was more accurate than PSB

Croce, 2006 *, # [18]

Trauma ICU, 158 pts

CPIS (>6)

BAL (105)

• Frequency of VAP: BAL ≥ 105 = 42%, SIRS = 58%

• Average CPIS: VAP = 6.9, SIRS = 6.8

• CPIS > 6: sens = 61%, spec = 43%

Luyt, 2004 *, ** [19]

Mixed ICU, 201 pts

CPIS (>6)

PSB (103) BAL (104)

• CPIS: sens = 89%, spec = 44%, k = 0.33, PPV = 57%, NPV = 84%

Schurink, 2004, ** [20]

Mixed ICU, 99 pts


BAL (104)

• Frequency of VAP = 69%

• ROC curve for CIPS > 6, 7 and 8 = 0.54, 0.64, 0.64; r = 0.115

• CPIS > 5: sens = 83%, spec = 17%

• CIPS >6 or ≤ 6: k 0.16

Fartoukh, 2003, ** [21]

Mixed ICU, 68 pts

CE & PIS (>6)

BAL (104) or PTC (103)

• CE: sens = 50%, spec = 59%

• CPIS > 6: sens = 60%, spec = 59%

• Adding positive Gram stain to CIPS improves diagnostic accuracy

Miller, 2006, ** [15]

Trauma ICU, 292 pts


BAL (105)

• k = 0.73.

• Sens = 84%, spec = 69%, PPV = 83%, NPV = 70%

Pham, 2007*, ** [23]

Mixed ICU, 28 burn pts



• CPIS: sens = 30%, spec = 80%, PPV = 70%, NPV = 50%

Pugin, 1991, **, [16]

Surgical ICU, 28 pts,

CPIS & mini-BAL (BI ≥ 5)

BAL (BI ≥ 5)

• CPIS: sens = 93%, spec = 100%, r = 84% (CIPS and mini-BAL), r = 76% (CPIS and BAL)

• Mini-BAL: sens = 73%, spec = 96%

  1. CPIS = clinical pulmonary infection score; TBA = tracheobronchial aspirate; PSB = protected specimen brush; pBAL = protected BAL or 'mini-BAL'; BAL = bronchoalveolar lavage; sens = sensitivity; spec = specificity; QtC = quantitative culture; BBS = blind bronchial sampling; SIRS = systemic inflammatory response syndrome; PPV = positive predictive value; NPV = negative predictive value; CE = clinical estimate; NNIS = National nosocomial infection surveillance system; BI = bacterial index; ICU = intensive care unit; *retrospective; **consecutive; #convenient.