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Table 1 Clinical characteristics of study patients, C-reactive protein value, eosinophil count and leucocyte count in the diagnostic classes of patients on admission to the intensive care unit

From: Eosinopenia is a reliable marker of sepsis on admission to medical intensive care units


Total (n = 177)

Negative group (n = 37)

SIRS (n = 20)

Infected group (n = 120)

P value*

Age (years)

42 ± 19

38 ± 20

35 ± 18

44 ± 18


Male gender (n (%))

101 (57)

19 (51)

12 (60)

70 (58)


Mc Cabe index (n (%))



   Nonfatal disease

138 (78)

31 (84)

16 (80)

91 (76)


   Ultimately and rapidly fatal disease

39 (22)

6 (16)

4 (20)

29 (24)


Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score

12 ± 7

7 ± 5

9 ± 5

13 ± 6


Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score

3 (1 to 8)

0 (0 to 2)

1 (0 to 4)

3 (1 to 6)


ICU length of stay (days)

5 (3 to 10)

3 (2 to 5)

6 (2 to 10)

7 (4 to 11)


Sites of infection (n (%))


   Respiratory tract

72 (60)


   Urinary tract

25 (21)



16 (13)



7 (6)


ICU mortality (n (%))

58 (33)

3 (8)

5 (25)

50 (42)


Leucocyte count (cells/mm3)

13,666 ± 7,497

11,305 ± 5,136

14,595 ± 6,399

14,169 ± 8,113


Eosinophil count (cells/mm3)

13 (0 to 83)

146 (54 to 250)

22 (13 to 85)

8 (0 to 36)


C-reactive protein (mg/l)

84 (31 to 155)

19 (36 to 79)

59 (16 to 84)

108 (58 to 197)


  1. Data are expressed as median (interquartile range) or as mean ± standard deviation. *P values are from the chi-squared test, one-way analysis of variance, or the Kruskal-Wallis test to compare the differences between the three groups. ICU, intensive care unit; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome group.