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Figure 6 | Critical Care

Figure 6

From: Advanced age is associated with worsened outcomes and a unique genomic response in severely injured patients with hemorrhagic shock

Figure 6

Our depiction of the summary of the differences in immune response to severe traumatic injury between the young (<55 years old) and the aged (≥55 years old) who experience complicated clinical outcomes. In the acute period (days 0.5 and 1) after trauma, the aged demonstrate a diminished immune response consistent with immuno-senescence as compared to their younger counterparts. This is followed by continued dysregulation in the advanced age patients as the young trend toward controls by day 4 after injury. In the acute and sub-acute periods after injury, the complicated young and aged trauma patients demonstrate unique genomic expression patterns that are temporal in nature, illustrating that their biologic response to severe injury is different, although they had similar outcomes.

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