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Table 1 Current clinical practice guidelines on protein requirement in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI)

From: Early administration of high protein for critically ill patients with acute kidney injury?





Quality of evidence



ICU patients with AKI not on hemodialysis or CRRT

Follow the standard ICU recommendations for protein (1.2–2 g/kg actual BW per day)

Expert opiniona

ICU patients on hemodialysis or CRRT

Increased protein, up to a maximum of 2.5 g/kg per day

Very lowa



Hospitalized patient with AKI, AKI on CKD, CKD, with acute/ critical illness, not on KRT

Start with 1 g/kg BW per day, and gradually increase up to 1.3 g/kg BW per day if toleratedb

Grade of recommendation 0a

Critically ill patients with AKI or AKI on CKD or CKD with KF on conventional intermittent KRT

1.3 to 1.5 g/kg BW per dayb

Grade of recommendation 0a

Critically ill patients with AKI or AKI on CKD or CKD with KF on CKRT or PIKRT

1.5 g/kg BW per day up to 1.7 g/kg BW per dayb

Grade of recommendation 0, Consensus (82.6% agreement)a

  1. aAs defined by the authors of the guidelines
  2. bPre-hospitalization body weight or usual body weight may be preferred over the ideal body weight. Actual body weight should not be considered for a protein prescription, as per the ESPEN guidelines
  3. AKI: acute kidney injury, BW: body weight, CKD: chronic kidney disease, KF: kidney failure, CRRT/CKRT: continuous renal/kideny replacement therapy, PIKRT: Prolonged Intermittent Kidney Replacement