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Table 1 Patient outcomes stratified by the timing of reintubation: Cox proportional hazards model with additional adjustment

From: Response to: the association between time definition of reintubation and patient outcomes in critically ill patients—several topics should be noticed


Reintubation ≤ 24 h

Reintubation 24–48 h

Reintubation 48–72 h

Reintubation 72–96 h

Reintubation 96–120 h

ICU mortality

  N (person-day)

74 (10,562)

38 (5540)

18 (2848)

15 (1692)

12 (1804)

  Crude HR (95% CI)

1 (reference)

0.964 (0.651–1.428)

0.906 (0.540–1.519)

1.293 (0.741–2.256)

0.861 (0.462–1.604)

  Adjusted HR (95% CI) *

1 (reference)

0.933 (0.603–1.443)

0.809 (0.461–1.419)

1.110 (0.593–2.077)

0.832 (0.427–1.619)

In-hospital mortality


  N (person-day)

183 (50,024)

96 (22,692)

53 (10,674)

35 (6467)

27 (5968)

  Crude HR (95% CI)

1 (reference)

1.187 (0.9268–1.520)

1.385 (1.020–1.880)

1.524 (1.061–2.189)

1.303 (0.869–1.954)

  Adjusted HR (95% CI) *

1 (reference)

1.193 (0.914–1.556)

1.218 (0.875–1.697)

1.499 (1.020–2.202)

1.279 (0.837–1.956)

  1. *HR adjusted for age, sex, comorbidity of chronic heart failure, comorbidity of chronic respiratory failure, APACHE III score, PaO2:FiO2, Glasgow Coma Scale score, duration of first mechanical ventilation, use of noninvasive respiratory support, and site in mortality
  2. ICU, Intensive care unit; HR, Hazard ratio; CI, Confidence interval; APACHE, Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation