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Table 1 Baseline demographic variables, severity scoring, and outcomes of patients included

From: Coexistence of a fluid responsive state and venous congestion signals in critically ill patients: a multicenter observational proof-of-concept study





 Age (years)

63 [45–71]

 Sex (Female/Male)


 Weight (kg)

71.5 [64.2–82.5]

 APACHE-II score

17 [12–22]

 Baseline SOFA score

9 [7–11]

 Main admission diagnosis %(n)


  - Sepsis

41% (37)

  - Respiratory failure

22% (20)

  - Surgical

13% (12)

  - Neurological

9% (8)

  - Hemorrhagic shock

7% (6)

  - Decompensated heart failure

2% (2)

  - Other

6% (5)

 Fluid balance (mL)

1200 [100–2637]

 Baseline creatinine (mmoL/L)

1.2 [0.8–1.76]

 AKI at admission (KDIGO 1–3) (%)

48% (43/90)

 Norepinephrine dose (mcg/kg/min)

0.11 [0.07–0.25]

 2nd vasoactive drug use (%)

22% (20/90)

 Arterial Lactate (mmol/L)

1.93 [1.3–5.2]

 Capillary Refill Time (secs)

3 [2–5]

 PaO2/FiO2 ratio

251 [175–335]

 PEEP (cmH20)

6 [5–8]



 AKI day 7 (KDIGO 1–3) (%)

49% (44/90)

 Renal replacement therapy

18% (16/90)

 Vasopressor duration (days)

4 [2–7]

 MV duration (days)

7 [3–13]

 ICU LOS (days)

13 [6–25]

 Hospital LOS (days)

25 [14–40]

 28-day mortality (%)

21% (19/90)

  1. PEEP Positive end expiratory pressure; AKI Acute kidney injury; KDIGO Kidney disease improving global outcomes; MV Mechanical ventilation; ICU Intensive care unit; LOS Length of stay